Friday, January 13, 2006

The Sad Thing Is, I'm Not Sure Which One Takes After Me

Kira pops into my office and sidles up next to me while I type.

"What's up, sweetie?"
"I just wanted to hug you."

A little while later, Kiyomi runs in and plops down on my lap.
"What's up, sweetie?"
"I just farted."

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  1. uhhh...eewwww!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey, that's strange, I have the same situation. Only the sweet kid and the tooter live in the same body. Does that make him a sweet tooter?

  3. Isn't it funny how they share your genes? They are indeed your children. Go hurry now and
    have the third one and HE will hug you and fart at the same time.

  4. well, ya know, it's all about balance in the household, as exhibited here.

    that being said, how do you respond to the fart declaration???

  5. "anonymous" must know my kid, because he does hug me and fart at the same time...does that mean I shouldn't have any more? what will the others after him do???

  6. You have the Yin and Yang set, right there.


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