Showing posts with label online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Interact With Your Teen Without Embarrassing Everyone

This is my latest post over at, where I talk about what you can do to avoid embarrassing your teens. Unless what you really want to do is embarrass your teens, in which case just do completely the opposite of what my article says. Actually the whole thing is just an excuse to watch this video of a cat in a shark costume chasing a duck while riding a Roomba. You're welcome.

There is a video circulating around that you may have seen—it’s of a cat dressed as a shark riding a vacuum and chasing a duck, and it’s the most fabulous thing in the world. I didn’t want to keep this genius all to myself, so I tried to show it to my 14-year-old. She did the “talk to the hand” gesture (don’t teenagers know that maneuver is so five minutes ago?) and said, “Mom, stop 'showing me things on the Internet.'”

She said this with that last part framed with a hefty pair of air quotes, and by the tone of her voice you would have thought I’d just shown her something offensive, like pigs being herded into a bacon factory or people over 30 kissing. Read More...

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Devil Wears Uggs

It must be the art director in me, but sometimes before I start writing a post I come up with an image first. For example, if I'm writing a post about summer I might think about a beach scene or a margarita, or if I'm writing about a particularly annoying parent at the school I might come up with an image of a snarling pitbull covered in flies and driving a minivan. Hey, you have your method for getting inspired and I have mine.

So when I started writing a post on online safety for this month's Yahoo Motherboard, I immediately started seeing images of sweaty guys in trenchcoats, or glassy-eyed dudes sitting in front of their computer screen eating nachos and slurping on a Bud Light. So much for going through pictures of my ex-boyfriends! But then something surprising happened -- once I started thinking of who really posed an immediate threat to my kids online, I came up with an entirely different visual altogether, and these villains were wearing cute boots and jumpers from Forever 21.

Because in my opinion, the more urgent threat, the one that I've already encountered with both of my girls, is the one that comes from the frenemy sitting behind them in algebra or the ex-best friend now going to a school on the other side of town who can't let go of a grudge. That's right, I'm talking girl-on-girl offenses, and not the kind you've seen on Showtime at 3am, either.

I'm not sure if you've heard, but tween and teen girls can be vicious. Not only mean, but conniving, clever, merciless and secretive. Oh, and possessed with stamina like you wouldn't believe -- I've seen Facebook fights go on for days at a time at a level that would leave hardened criminals begging to be un-friended. 

We've been lucky in that the most harassment our girls have had to endure has consisted of some name calling and a couple of online spats, but cyberbullying is on the rise and I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble. I try to monitor their online contacts carefully, and spy on their Facebook pages regularly. This in itself is a painful experience -- you think you're raising them right and then come to find they've used valuable wall space to tag their friends on a Pokemon poster according to their 'traits.' And spelled 'huggable' wrong.

I'm not denying the dangers of the online world -- I know that predators are out there and that the possibility of strangers threatening my kids is real. But I think that the more tangible, immediate threat to my tween and teen daughters is probably not the pervert in Germany inviting them to a Skype underwear dance party, but is more likely the ex-bff who decides that she's going to start a rumor 'just for fun' or the friend who thinks that IM'ing their crush's name to the entire 7th grade is hi-larious.

And then there's the bigger threat -- I hear that hell hath no fury like the angry classmate who decides that she didn't like being tagged 'Hugable Pikachu.' There's no task force for that, and we should be afraid, very afraid.

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