Wednesday, June 20, 2007


...with pride. My little girl graduated from elementary school today. She gave a commencement speech in front of three-hundred people. Received the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence, and a letter from the President. (Had to explain to both girls that it's still okay not to like him.) Maintained a 4.0 average all through her elementary years. Just accepted into the Honors Program at our local middle school.

I hate to brag, but sometimes you just have to.

Congratulations, Kira! I love you more than I can say.


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  1. Did you also explain that she is now smarter than the president.

    Congrats to the little sweatpant.

  2. You done good, Mama! Brag away - we should all do a little more of it.

    Congrats to Kira! What a cutie!


  3. She's a star! Congratulations!

  4. Glad they realized that they didn't have to like him, and congrats to the proud family.

  5. I'm seriously not kidding about the arranged marriage thing.

    congrats to you and Kira

  6. I think you should frame the Award/letter and then Kira's well reasoned argument why the president sucks.

    Now THAT is something for the scrapbook!

    Hurrah Kira. Now hide the black eyeliner, as I feel an Emo phase approaching...

  7. Awesome! Nothing wrong with a bragging parent. There should be MORE of them. Congrats, Kira.

  8. Wow. I am sweeling with pride for you, mom. Damn. WTG Kira!

  9. Congratulations to your whole family on a job well done! That is truly impressive -- 4.0 all through elementary school AND speaking in front of such a large crowd? It's not bragging, just giving credit where it's due. Love to hear good news like that about the future of our country b/c too often you only hear negatives about young folks coming up these days.

  10. Brag, brag, brag away! I would be screaming from the hill tops (or the roof) it were me!

    Great work (to both of you!)

  11. Congrats to Kira, that's wonderful.

    Love the baby pic, she was so cute. Still is, but that photo is adorable.

  12. She is a rock star. Pride is never ugly on a parent!

  13. That is huge and definetly something you should brag about! Yeah!!! Congrats and you should be proud of yourself too mom! you made that smart and talented girl!

  14. Wow, all that and she rocks it too? She's not a triple threat she's like a sextuple threat!

    Congratulations- you should be very proud.

  15. The smart gorgeous parents and their smart gorgeous kid...I think I may hate you a little. JOKING!@! Congrats to Kira.

  16. Congrats, Kira - you rock, just like your mama!

    You should (rightfully) be bursting with pride

  17. Aw, that is so wonderful!
    Congratulations to her, and you as well!

    And I agree...not bragging, just the facts, ma'am.

  18. Brag away! You deserve it! And congrats, Kira! Harvard, here you come! (Start saving now, Marsha...)

  19. Congratulations, proud mama, on your little one's big accomplishments!

  20. If Kira's achievements didn't make your buttons almost burst, then what would?! What a terrific achievement. All that without summer programs and plenty of free time...who woulda thought such a thing possible! YAY KIRA!

  21. Congratulations... that's truly fantastic. You are fully allowed to be a proud mum... er mom!

  22. That is pretty huge. Do you feel like an empty nester yet? I think bragging about your kids is a beautiful thing but you're being so modest. She does all that and still find time to be a crack addict! Now that's setting the bar high for everyone else!

  23. If you can't brag about your own kid in that way, well you can't brag at all. Congrats!

    And also for her having a smart enough mommy to teach her about the President in the way that the school books don't.

  24. Hip Hip Horray for Kira!


  25. You brag away mama! Congrats to Kira!! What an amazing daughter you have. (And what an adorable photo!)

  26. I'm beaming with pride for you for a job well done!!! Here's to a future star!


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