Thursday, September 28, 2006

People, Step Away From The Goats.

I'm trying to meet a deadline so I have NOTHING. Except for this. Make sure you read all the way to the end about the disappearing penis.

I suppose I'll put it in my files with this in preparation for my new endeavor, "The Barnyard Blog."

And before my inbox starts filling up with all sorts of animal porn, I'M KIDDING.

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  1. Thanks for the nightmares - er, I mean links.

  2. You have to admit - goats are hot.


  3. The comments you got on the goat/wife story were beyond hilarious.

    I'm trying to think of something funny to say about "making a penis disappear", but...nothing.

  4. Those goats are getting the short end of the stick.

  5. Are you sure these people aren't relatives of mine in Greece? OH, but then again, sheep would probably be involved, but maybe goats too, probably both.

    I don't even know what to really say about the "disappearing penis", are they sure the person had one to begin with? And how did that whole thing come about anyway? "Take out your penis! I know this GREAT magic trick!"

  6. David Blaine is starting another world tour I see.

  7. If that isn't a good enough reason to burn 8 people to death, I don't know what is.....

  8. I just hate when that happens. Goats turning into people, body parts disappearing, what is this world coming to? Thankfully, that black magic stuff is not popular with the American youth. Otherwise, I would have to move.


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